For the first time in the history of the world almost everyone is affected by the spread of a deadly virus. Perhaps this is the result of the degradation of our ecosystem, I don’t know but it just feels like we are tipping the balance. I painted this portrait before all of this happened yet I think it speaks about things greater than ourselves. It hangs on the wall above a fireplace in a dark room called The Outlaw’s Inn its part of The Long Shot at Linden New Art.
When the doors open again come and see for yourself. In the meantime take a trip with us for a Close Up Interview of Jacqui Stockdale’s The Long Shot
About US
The experience of being ‘in conversation’ with an object, or a sitter is sacred and intense. This is my most holy place. This painting is an exploration of the self beyond the self; a connection to the past, present and future. It is about human nature, mortality, the spirit, the ancestors. Of course the skull in art is steeped in tradition and symbology and I have used it often in my work, borrowing inspiration from other traditions such as the Mexican Day of the Dead and Halloween. The model head is a plastic skull that I covered in plasticine. It is a halloween prop that is animated so if you make a noise it chatters and its eyes light up. It kept moving while I was painting it.
Us, self-portrait, oil on canvas, 30 x 22cm, 2020